The US’ second World Cup game ended in controversy, as Team USA tied Slovenia, 2-2. Mali referee Koman Colibaly disallowed American Maurice Edu’s 85th goal that would have won US the game.
Also tying in their second game was England, who played Algeria and tied 0-0. With both England and the US tying both of their World Cup games, it will come down to Wednesday’s third and final group games as to who advances. USA will play Algeria, while England faces off against Slovenia.
Here is how the US can still advance:
Option 1: US wins against Algeria, the U.S will then have 5 pts (England and Slovenia play each other, therefore only one of the teams will reach 5 pts)
Option 2: US ties Algeria and England loses and or ties with Slovenia (US must maintain goal advantage over England… US has three goals while England has one)