NFL players using Viagra to help on field “performance”

Well this is a new one..after Seattle Seahawks CB Brandon Browner and Richard Sherman were suspended for testing positive for adderall, Chicago Bears WR alluded that players also abuse Viagra to help with their on-field performance. In 2012, there have been 21 suspensions because of failed tests for performance-enhancing drugs, including amphetamines like Adderall, a 75 percent increase compared to the 12 suspensions in 2011

Marshall’s teammate Lance Briggs elaborated, “It is such a competitive league, guys try anything just to get that edge,” Marshall said. “I’m fortunate enough to be blessed with size and some smarts to give me my edge. But some guys, they’ll do whatever they can to get an edge I’ve heard of some crazy stories. I’ve heard guys using like Viagra. Seriously. Because the blood is supposedly thin, some crazy stuff. So, you know, it’s kind of scary with some of these chemicals that are in some of these things. … Anytime you take anything over the counter — if you don’t approve it with your training room, you can get popped that quick. You know, it doesn’t matter if it’s Dayquil, Nyquil, any type of cough medicine. Even Hall’s.”

Obama plays pickup basketball with NBA Champions on Election day

President Obama has won at least one important matchup today, winning a pickup basketball game on the morning of Election Day. The President played with former Chicago Bulls players Scottie Pippen and Randy Brown, winning by 20-points.

The pickup game has become an Election Day tradition, which started during the 2007 Iowa Caucus with a then underdog Obama. This time playing with former NBA Champions, the President’s brother-in-law and Oregon State basketball coach Craig Robinson, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, White House Assistant Chef Sam Kass, Reggie Love, Mike Ramos and Marty Nesbitt.

Image via Chicago Bulls

Bears fans drink Nashville bars dry

If beer is proof that God loves us, then God must really love the Chicago Bears. Bears fans tapped Nashville bars dry of beer as they celebrated the team’s 52-20 pounding over the Tennessee Titans. The 7-1 Bears were cheered on by a LP Field filled with over 60% Bears fans who drank the city known for whiskey and rye dry of beer. Bears head coach Lovie Smith even called LP Field, “Solider Field South.”

NBC Chicago reported: “The Paradise Park Trailer Resort, for one, had no bottled beer left by dinner time Sunday. Whiskey Bent Saloon had two brands left.”

It comes as no surprise that sports fans like to drink, in a study by the University of Minnesota, 48% of fans attending a sporting event drink, and that football is the second most popular sport to drink at behind baseball games.

Weekend Video: Lamar Odom thinks he plays for the Lakers

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