Tony Parker may not be saying YOLO right now since he may have to pull out of the Olympics from an eye injury he suffered in the Chris Brown- Drake NYC club fight. The former Mr. Eva Longoria’s conrea was scratched by glass after bottles were thrown at W.i.P nightclub. W.i.P could lose its liquor license after 14 charges were filed against the club extending from the fight. Parker had to undergo an opteration to remove glass that penetrated 99% of his left eye.
Originally given a positive diganosis, Parker said in an interview posted on his website on Sunday, “I almost lost my eye. I’m seeing a specialist in New York with the hope of being given the all clear to play in the Olympic Games,” Parker said. “Spurs are very worried.”
Parker filed a $20 million lawsuit stating club owners are responsible for the “corneal laceration of the left eye and other injuries.” While US Weekly claimed Parker was apart of Brown’s entourage, Parker says in the suit he wasn’t sitting with either party, but has said he was with “my friend Chris Brown.”
France’s first Olympic game is against the United States on July 29.