Donald Trump mad at Rihanna for performing at All-Star game

Donald Trump is calling out Rihanna for canceling a concert claiming she was too sick but  performed at the NBA All-Star game the following day. Rihanna was to be paid $500,000 to perform at the Mar-A-Loga Gala cancer benefit in Palm Beach. On the morning of the event, Rihanna backed out saying she was suffering from bronchitis. In actuality, Rihanna was partying in Southern California promoting her new fragrance and attending NBA All-Star events.

Jennifer Hudson was hired in place of Rihanna, but Trump is not letting the no-show off the hook, “For Rihanna to go to the All-Star game and perform after she told us she was sick, that is just a lack of respect,” Trump told the Palm Beach Post.

Sound like to me Trump wants to tell Rihanna, “You’re Fired!”

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