Brandi Favre’s mug shot is here, and it looks like Brett Favre’s younger sister wasn’t ready for her closeup. After being arrested Wednesday night in a crystal meth lab bust in Mississippi, Brand Favre, 34, appeared in court Thursday morning. Brandi Favre faces two drug charges with a bail set at $40,000. If convicted she faces a $1 million fine and 30 years in jail on EACH count. Remember UGGs not drugs… right Tom Brady?
Brett Favre’s sister was arrested in rural Mississippi when police raided a house for making crystal meth. The notorious quarterback’s younger sister, Brandi Favre, 34, is being charged with manufacturing of methamphetamine and generation of hazardous waste and is expected to appear in court Thursday morning. Five people were arrested in total. According to, police found the drug being made in a bath tub in the apartment. Glad to see Mr. Favre is sharing the headlines with other members of his family….
* A Brandi Favre on Facebook, is listed as living in Gulfport, Mississippi (where Brett Favre was born) and also says she has a 3-year old daughter. Note: this is a TJC assumption and has not been confirmed, but this Brandi Favre also “likes” the page “Brett Favre the Viking,” and let’s face it… not many people do, so it must be her.