More developments in our Jersey Chaser of the Month meeting with NFL officials…. According to the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Jenn Sterger is cooperating with the NFL’s investigation on the Brett Favre sext messages because the legendary quarterback would not negotiate a settlement with her.
The inappropriate pictures and voice mails Favre allegedly sent Sterger back in 2008 were released by over a month ago. Sterger refused to speak to the NFL in the hopes of reaching a financial settlement with Favre. However, despite reaching out to him, Favre’s reps did not return Sterger’s team’s phone calls. A settlement would have prevented Sterger from taking legal action and would have included a confidentiality agreement.
Sterger met with NFL officials yesterday, accompanied by her lawyers and manager. It was first thought that Sterger was not cooperating with the investigation because of her show The Daily Line on Versus, which is now canceled.
Though Sterger initially wanted a settlement, when asked about the Tiger Woods scandal back in April, Sterger told the Ministry, “I feel like at some point these guys need to be sat down and told, ‘Look, you’re not invincible…. For every dumb girl that’s willing to lay down for you, at some point there’s going to be one smart enough to know what to do with that.”
Happy Monday jersey chasers! Hope you had a good weekend, here are some stories you may have missed.. xoxo & keep chasing
Brett Favre lives another day as the Minnesota Vikings come from behind to beat the Arizona Cardinals
The Dallas Cowboys lose again
Local reporter gets knocked out by U of M QB during their 67-65 triple overtime win against Illinois (no that’s not a basketball score)
Flyers announcer pays tribute to “It’s Always Sunny” during broadcast
Dancing with the Stars to tango with St. Louis Cardinals pitcher
Lil Wayne is freeman and a Hornets fans
Alabama loses to LSU putting them in the Top 5 BCS rankings
Randy Moss was released by the Minnesota Vikings after being signed less than a month ago. According to Michael Silver of Yahoo Sports, Moss’ behavior was a factor in the decision to place the future Hall of Famer on waivers. Silver reported that Moss threw a temper tantrum about the food that was served to him after the Vikings’ practice on Friday. Tinucci’s Restaurant of St. Paul was serving the Viking players lunch when Moss said, “What the [expletive]? Who ordered this crap? I wouldn’t feed this to my dog!”
Restaurant owner Gus Tinucci said two Vikings employees later apologized for Moss’ remarks and that it wasn’t out of the ordinary for Moss to say that.
Tinucci told USA Today a member of the Vikings’ staff said: “Don’t worry about it, Gus, he’s an (expletive). He’s done this every time we’ve had food.”
One person who did not think it was a laughing matter was quarterback Brett Favre: “If (Brett) Favre would have had a ball, he would have beaned him right in the head,” Tinucci said. “Favre looked at him like, ‘Are you kidding me?’ “
Tinucci does not expect Moss’ remarks to interfere with him being invited back again to cater the Vikings’ practices, as he has already done it on more than one occasion.
As for Moss, he will test his luck on waivers.
The Brett Favre saga continues…. the NY Post is reporting that Brett Favre contacted Jenn Sterger last summer when he was in New York. Favre was in town to appear on “Joe Buck Live” on HBO.
At that time, Favre had not signed with the Minnesota Vikings and Sterger was not employed by the Jets, when the veteran quarterback called her.
“The same number that was used to send the messages in 2008 is the same one used to call Jenn in 2009.”
The NFL’s investigation on the Brett Favre sext messages remains at a standstill. Officials met with Brett Favre this past Tuesday, but Sterger will not cooperate with NFL officials. Sterger is allegedly trying to work out a settlement with Favre. A source close to the story said:
“The Settlement would include a confidentially agreement between the two that would effectively stop the NFL, which does not have subpoena power, from speaking with Sterger about Favre.”